The Benefits of Liquid Vitamin C

Liquid vitamin C is an important nutritional supplements to many of us. Most people probably already have an idea that vitamin C is crucial to the body. It is important to know however how exactly vitamin C can benefit the body and what advantages the liquid form carries over other forms. Here are some important facts that you should know about this all important vitamin.

Immune System Vitamin

Benefits of Vitamin C

Immune System Vitamin

There are just so many good things that vitamin C can bring to the body. It is a known antioxidant that helps sweep harmful free radicals that are partly responsible for gradual cell damage. It also assists the immune system in warding off infections. On top of these functions, vitamin C is crucial for the speedy healing of wounds and damaged tissues. This vitamin also has a hand in collagen formation, iron absorption and fat metabolism.

Vitamin C Deficiency

Although most of us have a general idea of the importance of vitamin C, not everyone realizes the urgency of their need for the vitamin. This is made obvious by the fact that vitamin C deficiency extends to about a quarter of adults. Not all people have realised that certain illnesses may have been prevented with proper doses of vitamin C. Those who do not have enough of it are more prone to infection, colds, gum damage, scurvy, poor wound healing and a generally weak immune system.

Liquid Vitamin C

Unlike some nutrients, vitamin C cannot be naturally generated in the human body. We therefore need to get our daily doses of this crucial vitamin from external sources. The best natural sources of the vitamin are citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, pomelo and lemons. It can also be found in vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and spinach.

It is not always possible to get the required daily doses of vitamin C. Some individuals may also need greater doses of it. In these cases, one may have to take vitamin supplementation. Some may have been used to taking it in solid form. Its liquid form however is often believed to be more effective in efficiently delivering the vitamin to the body's system. As liquid, vitamin C can be better absorbed by the body.


There is not much of a risk of getting an overdose of vitamin C. Those who do take too much will eventually recover. In rare cases of an overdose, one may suffer from diarrhea and possibly some other symptoms such as fatigue, headache, vomiting and nausea.

It is important to see your doctor if you are taking other supplements and medication or if you have a serious medical condition. In some of these cases, vitamin C may result in negative reactions. Some individuals for example may be at risk of rare iron toxicity because vitamin C increases the absorption rates of iron.

There are many different brands of liquid vitamin C. Some of them may contain synthetic preservatives, flavoring, color enhancers and herbal ingredients. If you are unsure which brand is a good one, you should consult your doctor or perform your own research first.

The Benefits of Liquid Vitamin C
Immune System Vitamin

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