If your dog seems to be lacking in vitality or has recently been diagnosed with an illness, you will want to learn how to boost dog immune system without breaking the bank, especially if your dog needs expensive medical treatment as well. In this article, you'll learn three simple and practical ways to do so.
Before we talk about how to help dog immune system, let's talk about why responsible pet owners need to do so. Like us, dogs are bombarded daily with environmental toxins and pollutants. The stress from this wreaks havoc on the immune system, compromising its ability to fight free radicals and combat disease.
Immune System Vitamin
Another reason to give daily supplements is that depleted soil means that food is not as nutrient dense as it used to be. These are two important reasons to give your pet a daily supplement.
How to Help a Dog's Immune System
First and foremost, feed your dog healthy, organic dog food. Check the food label and if it includes ingredients like "chicken byproducts" and corn meal, find another brand. You may not be able to find a healthy brand at your supermarket. Instead, you may have to go to a health food or specialty store. The first ingredient on the label should be meat since dogs are carnivores. Make sure your dog is properly hydrated. Your dog should always have a fresh clean bowl of filtered water. Do take that extra step and filter the water because tap water is full of chemicals that can upset the delicate internal systems of your dog's body. Water flushes toxins from the body is important for proper functioning of all the organs, including the heart and brain. Give your pet a daily supplement that contains vitamins, minerals and special herbs that boost dog immune system. Due to the reasons stated above, a daily supplement is just as important to pets as it is to humans. When shopping for a supplement, look for one that contains vitamins, C, A and E and minerals like selenium. A good quality supplement to boost dog immune system should also contain Milk Thistle and Mistletoe which are herbal antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause disease and rid the body of toxins that have accumulated over the years. These two herbs are also important for liver health. A strong, healthy liver helps metabolize fat and rid the body of toxins. It is essential to overall health.
In addition to the three steps above, make sure your dog gets daily exercise which helps relieve stress. By feeding your pet nutrient-rich food, providing fresh, filtered water and giving your dog a good quality supplement, you will boost dog immune system and restore energy, health and vitality to your beloved furry friend.